
Develop strategic campaigns to grow a fanbase for our artists by utilizing multiple social media platforms (i.e. instagram, facebook, twitter, snapchat) and connecting artists to their listeners through such networks
Hashtags directed to targeted audiences
Business accounts
Relevant stories and posts
Scheduled posts
Follow relevant accounts and hashtags (people, music blogs, record labels, pages and groups specific to the artist and their style of music)
Non-music related content to further engage fans
​Build a cohesive and unique brand for artists by creating eye-catching, relevant content for artist websites including bios, professional photos, latest news, and links to other platforms
Track visitor data and use info to inform and grow artist brand
Create and keep EPK up to date
Create a sales funnel to attach people to the artist’s brand
Spotify artist page management and playlist curation
Support for Youtube
Development of unique song release strategies for singles and albums
Support for better booking opportunities
Radio plugging services
PR for online media
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